Main changes in JSDAI version 4.3.0 since 4.2.1. Normal bug fixes are not mentioned
JSDAI Runtime
- So far JSDAI keeps always inverse pointer for each explicit attribute of an entity instance to another one. This ensures good speed when following attributes in inverse direction (e.g. needed for assembly structures), but the disadvantage is additional memory consumption. For the purpose of e.g. geometry this capability is not needed, but memory consumption is an issue. Because of this we introduced the new methods setOptimized() and isOptimized() for SdaiModel. When the optimized flag is set to FALSE, then no inverse pointers are generated which significantly decreases memory consumption. Nevertheless all inverse and usedIn/users methods are still available, only they are then slower. For practical usage one might split geometry and product structure in different SdaiModel and switch the optimization on only for the SdaiModel with the geometry. Note that this new capability is only visible in RAM; it does not show up in an SDAI/XIM file.
- Speeding up abort() method when working with many SdaiModels
- Improved error reporting and automatic correction when encountering unknown or erroneous external mappings cases during importClearTextEncoding() of multi leave complex entity instances
- Full support of "Remark tags" as defined in clause of Express ed2. Like the old "intelligent comments" the remark tags are available in the dictionary data
- The "original_case" (-oc) switch is now enabled by default. This means that the dictionary data (.exd file) contains the upper/lower case writing as originally defined, but for the generated Express dictionary the normalised name are used
JSDAI for Eclipse (GUI), including STEPMOD / ISO 10303-1000 support
- Updated for Eclipse IDE 3.6 (HELIOS release)
- Now also running under Mac OS 10.5
- Extended document_reference.txt files that is used in Express Projects to have after the schema name and ISO 10303 part number also optionally the part name defined. This is needed for resource parts because they can have several schemas with different names. ExpressDoc and the Stepmod-XMLexport are taking advantage of this.
- With "Import / JSDAI Express-G diagram" it is now possible to copy a complete diagram from another exg file into the current one
Express-G Editor
- As required by part 11 prefixing type and attribute names with an "*"if they are constrained. This can be switched on and off in the preference page for the Express-G editor.
The DB independent JSDAI-DB backup and restore capability has been extended for:
- support all information about users, groups, access-rights and permissions
- change history
In addition
- added support to purge no longer needed history records from the DB
- Update provided examples from old AP203 schema (Config_control_design) to new one (Ap203_configuration_controlled_3d_design_of_mechanical_parts_and_assemblies_mim) and overall SMRL schema (Ida_step_aim_schema)