JSDAI v4.2.1

Changes in JSDAI version 4.2.1 since JSDAI v4.2.0.

JSDAI Runtime

  • The output of the Validate tool was improved to make it more readable.
  • Messages reporting on errors in Express expressions were introduced. Such messages are saved in the log file for the user's perusal.
  • Calculation of values of inverse attributes was modified. Now it is allowed such a value to include instances that reference the owner of the inverse attribute through a derived attribute redeclaring the explicit one that serves as a role of inversion.
  • Correction to avoid wrong usage of Express typeof function when the parameter submitted to this function is built with the complex entity instance construction operator applied in an erroneous way;
  • Correction in the deletion of an integer value from the array of values of SELECT type;
  • Solving a problem when the value of one attribute got lost after applying undo/redo.


  • The original case of Express identifiers (lower and upper case letters) is now always preserved for the Express Dictionary files (*.exd). This ensures that in the Express-G editor, generated HTML documentation and more the original case shows up always. Relevant is the place where an Express identifier is defined, not how it is referenced in other places. For the purpose of creating a JSDAI Library normallized Express identifiers are always used.
  • Implemented a proprietary JSDAI prefix-comment "(*REFERENCE FROM*)" that in front of a "USE FROM" treat the USE FROM into a REFERENCE FROM. This was needed for an experimental use in stepmod to figure out how application modulescould be better decoupeld.
  • Various minor bug fixes.

JSDAI for Eclipse (GUI), including STEPMOD / ISO 10303-1000 support

  • new Export capability "Conformance tables for modular APs". Creation of coarm.xml and comim.xml from ccs.xml and compiled arm and mim exd files
  • new Export capability "Dictionary data in p21 format". Creation of a ISO 10303-21 file out of exd or exg files that contains the Express meta data accoring to the SDAI_DICTIONARY_DATA.  
  • improved Export capability "E-G diagrams and stepmod XML". Fixed errors for resource parts. Automatic adoption for modulesand resources and in addition support of schemas outside of stepmod
  • new Export capability "Express HTML documentation". This makes the capabilities of ExpressDoc available under Eclipse. 
  • new Export capability "Express XML index". This function is needed for the creation of the indexes of new ISO 10303-1000. Input is ccs.xml and arm and mim exg files. Output is coarm.xml and comim.xml file 


  • Extended ExpressDoc to list under Users also those select types that are not used by any entity attribute.
  • Support for document_reference.txt with additional information about schemas added. This is used to feed ISO 10303 part identifications to the schemas.

Express-G Editor

  • Generation of Express XML files for stepmod added to export of Express-G diagrams
  • In diagram/xml export, added support both for modular and for flat directories.
  • Numbering of diagram pages has been changed. The new multi-level numbering support allows to number entity level diagram pages separately from schema level diagrams. The "@" in the name of page seperats these sections.
  • Moved Import/Export Wizard categories to a separate plugin which has version number constraint on Eclipse UI plugin; this solves compatibility issue with Eclipse versions before 3.2.0
  • Some minor bug fixes


  • Fixed a bug that shows up in specific situations where the JSDAI-DB Installer is used to update an exisiting database for changed Express schemas (action -install_schemas)