Express Compiler

Express Compiler integration with Eclipse has lead to a convenient customization of the utility. Before, all actions had to be passed as command line options. Express Compiler in Eclipse allows using menus and preference windows for setting necessary options.

Created files

After compiling EXPRESS schemas, Express Compiler creates an Express Dictionary (.exd) file. This file can later be used for creating HTML documentation using ExpressDoc or for graphical Express-G diagrams using Express-G Editor.

Optionally, a .jar library is created. It contains classes, which represent the compiled data model. The .jar library can later be used in creating Java programs, based on this data model.

Compiler configuration

The Express Compiler can be customized, allowing different compilation options:

  • Compile multiple or single Express files
  • Compile Express files in .exl list or separate directory
  • Recurse subdirectories
  • Use exclusion list to exclude files from compilation
  • Compile Stepmod schemas
  • Compile ARM files only
  • Compile Stepmod MIM files
  • Compile automatically
  • Create template .exl file

More information

Detailed information about JSDAI Express Compiler is located in JSDAI Core section.

[read more about JSDAI Express Compiler]