- I'm confused by the terms "long form" and "short form" schema. What is this and how does it affect JSDAI programming?
- What is a "complex entity" or a "complex instance"?
- I want to know more on EXPRESS. Where to read?
- What do the terms data-type, instance and value mean in EXPRESS?
- How can I specify and store Express defined data?
I'm confused by the terms "long form" and "short form" schema. What is this and how does it affect JSDAI programming?
An Express schema can take advantage of elements defined in other Express schemas by the USE FROM and REFERENCE FROM keywords. A long form schema is an Express schema, which is fully self-contained without any USE FROM or REFERENCE FROM section. A short form schema on the other hand uses these keywords to use or references other schemas completely or elements thereof.
By default the master of all AIM schemas in STEP are given in short form. For STEP-APs one or several long form schemas are derived from the short form schema in addition. This is done because in the early days of STEP and still today a couple of STEP toolkits cannot operate on short form schemas.
For JSDAI you can choose whether to use long or short from. Both are supported. Since the short form has several advantages they are included in the JSDAI-Library only.
What is a "complex entity" or a "complex instance"?
Unfortunately these terms are confusing.
To explain it let us assume a data model with the supertype entity A and two subtype entities B and C in an ANDOR combination. A forth entity D is a subtype of both B and C (multiple inheritance). It is then possible to have instances of A, A&B, A&C, A&B&C, and A&B&C&D.
When used outside the official STEP standard documents this means an entity where several subtypes (leaves) are used simultaneously. So the combination of A&B&C is a complex entity while A, A&B, A&C and A&B&C&D are considered as non-complex.
In the official wording of the standard a complex entity data type is the combination of more than one entity. So all the combinations A&B, A&C, A&B&C, and A&B&C&D are considered as complex. To indicate the special situation for A&B&C the 2nd edition of Express introduces the term multi-leaf complex entity (data type).
Note that the representation of entity instances in a STEP-File (part p21) depends on how many leaf entity data types are in a complex entity. If it is only one then the so-called internal mapping is used (at least in conformance class 1 which is in practice used always). If there are two or more leaf entity data types the external mapping has to be used (which is the default for conformance class 2).
So some instance of our data-model would look in a p21 file like this:
- 1=A(...);
- 2=B(...); — including the A attributes
- 3=C(...); — including the A attributes
- 4=(A(...)B(...)C(...)); — external mapping
- 5=D(...); — including the attributes for A, B, and C.
I want to know more on EXPRESS. Where to read?
normative document of EXPRESS with the full specification is ISO
10303-11:2003 (2nd edition). This document is not a tutorial and so we
recommend reading this document only if you already have a solid
understanding of EXPRESS and want to know things in full detail.
You will find a very basic introduction to EXPRESS in the JSDAI documentation. A detailed introduction is given in the book
"Information Modeling: The Express Way" by Douglas A. Schenck, Peter R. Wilson, Peter Mere Latham.
What do the terms data-type, instance and value mean in EXPRESS?
Express defines several kinds of data-types:
- The simple data types are integer, real, number (integer or real), boolean (true/false), logical (true/false/unknown), string, and binary (some bits).
- Aggregation data types are SET, LIST, BAG, and ARRAY
- Named data types
- Entity - this is like an object type
- Defined data type - used for further specializing of other data types
- Constructed data types
- Enumeration, a list of elements given as strings
- Selects, a selection of several other data types
For every data type we can have values. Let us use part21 to give a few examples:
- integer "5"
- colour enumeration ".RED."
- SET of real "(2.7, 3.5, 4.9)"
- Entity A with an integer attribute "A(4)"
An instance is a "named value". Within Express we have only entity instance - or more precisely single entity instances and complex entity instance. Examples of a few instances:
- #10=A(4);
- #20=A(4);
- #30=A(6);
The names of these instances are #10, #20, and #30. The instances #10 and #20 have the same value "A(4)" while instance #30 has the value "A(6)".
How can I specify and store Express defined data?
Express defined data are instances and values of data-types defined in some Express schema. In principle there are four official ways to store or write such values - only the first two have any practical relevance.
- STEP-File, also called part 21 file or clear text encoding of the exchange structure
- STEP-XML defined in part 28
- EXPRESS-I, defined in part 12 as a the technical report
- EXPRESS constants
JSDAI fully supports part21 and part28 and to some degree EXPRESS constants. EXPRESS-I is not supported.